Muzzleloader Deer Hunt Information


Semi-Guided Early Muzzleloader Hunts

Fully-Guided Late Muzzleloader Hunts

Tim Wheeland (PA) - 2020 Muzzleloader

Our Deer Herd

The state of Kansas and its wildlife managers had the foresight decades ago to implement a plan that was the key to making Kansas the trophy hotspot it has come to be known as. Through strict managing of the deer harvest and superior genetics, along with the rich, productive soil of our native farmlands, Kansas has become a trophy hunter's prime destination. We at Kansas Trophy Whitetails take a very limited amount of hunters in any given year, and we strictly manage our thousands of acres of privately-owned ground to ensure our clients have the best hunting opportunities for trophy bucks.

Our Hunting Areas

We have prime land in Unit 8 of North Central Kansas. This unit has very little public hunting ground. We have leased some of the best hunting ground in our part of the state.

Our ground consists of creek bottoms and rolling farmland. The land has crops such as corn, soybeans, wheat, and alfalfa planted on it. We have hardwood timbers also, with several types of acorns that deer love.

How We Hunt

At this time of the year, trophy bucks are very sedentary; they do not have any reason to travel much. We scout hard in August and find the food sources that the bucks are using. Most of the time it's either lush, green soybeans, alfalfa, or volunteer wheat fields. We position our stands either between the bedding-to-feeding areas or just inside the edge of cover at a feeding area to give our hunters the best chance at harvesting a trophy buck. Most hunting at this time of the year is done in the early morning or late afternoon, depending on what conditions Mother Nature gives us. Still-hunting can produce opportunities also.

What Kansas Trophy Whitetails Provides On Your Hunt

What is Not Provided On Your Hunt

Overall Details About Our Muzzleloader Hunts

Our 5-day early muzzleloader hunts are semi-guided, and our 5-day late muzzleloader hunts are fully-guided. We provide lodging, two homestyle meals and a light lunch each day, a shooting tower and target range for sighting in your muzzleloader, treestands, field-dressing and packing out game, meat handling -- transporting your deer to the locker, and a taxidermist a short drive from camp. In-line rifles are legal. Scopes are permitted. The cost for the early muzzleloader hunt is $3500.00, and the cost for the late muzzleloader hunt is $3750.00. All fees are for professional outfitter services only. A deposit of 50% of the cost of the hunt is required to hold your hunt dates, with the balance due 60 days prior to arrival. Deposits are non-refundable. In addition, you must purchase a Kansas hunting license ($97.50; or $42.50 for non-residents under 16) and apply during April 1-30 for a Kansas deer permit ($442.50; or $118.00 for non-residents under 16). Kansas deer permits are obtained through a drawing. If you were born after July 1, 1957, you must have a valid hunter's safety card in your possession. Tentative hunt dates for early muzzleloader are Sept. 13-26, and tentative hunt dates for late muzzleloader are Dec. 1-12. (Dates subject to change by Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks.)


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